Its been a while since I last updated The Blog, not least because my internet at home is dying a slow and painful death. Fear not though, a new high speed connection is on its way! For now, let me introduce my newest object of affection, a wonderful zoom-lens for my digitial camera. The Nikkor AF-S DX VR Zoom 55-200mm f/4-5.6 lens can take crystal clear pictures of things from 10 miles away, and looks very shiny. Here are some test pictures…
The “Miwa’s Not Impressed” Test
The Cat Test
The “Random Person On Bicycle” Test – (note, the zoom on this lens means you can take pictures of people without them knowing anything about it. Which isn’t dodgy at all. Honest.)
The “Is It The Seventh Level of Hell or is it Mizushima at Night” Test.
Anyway, enough of all that jazz. In other news I’m back in the music business after a long absence (The Subterraneans, a university venture, never really got of the ground, not least because I could never spell subterranean). Me, enigmatic bassist Yuta and our wacky drummer Murakami will be playing two songs at the Shonan school festival in November. We’re auditioning for a singer next Saturday at the unseemly hour of 10am, and will be covering Nirvana and either Oasis or Green Day. I offered my self-penned efforts, “Oh Nishina” and “Hey Look It’s A Gaijin On A Bike!”, but they weren't well received. We’re looking to create a new take on the classic “Smells Like Teen Spirit” by replacing Kurt Cobain with a 15-year old Japanese girl.
Finally, I’ll be welcoming more friends to these shores in a weeks time. Tim and Joe, aka Dusty Bottoms and Ned Needelander, will be arriving for 2 ½ weeks of…you guessed it…karaoke and nomihodie! Let the fun commence..
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