Monday, October 30, 2006

Where I Live- Dot by Dot

Its a map shamelessly stolen from Google Earth. Hopefully saying that will avoid them destroying me with their immense copyright power.

Anyway, not being able to work out numbers, I live at orange dot, by the sea and the Seto-Ohashi bridge (straight line going south to Shikoku). Pink dot is Shonan school. Red dot is Okayama City, the capital of our beautiful prefecture. Its about 30mins by train from me, orange dot. Blue dot is Seishi school, in Kurashiki (marked). Kurashiki is about 20mins from Okayama. Green dot to the west is where Carrie lives, who I occasionally stay with when I work at Seishi (blue dot). On the map below, you can see where I live in Japan as a whole...

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