Wednesday, April 18, 2007

Back In The Groove

Yesterday and today saw me return to teaching at Seishi High School. Chisato's departure had left a big hole in the teaching line-up (yes we're back to football metaphors), however the new English teacher is doing a pretty good job of filling it. Aoyama sensei, a "very handsome man" as described by Sugihara sensei, is one of Okayama's teaching elite, and indeed is so "young salaryman" in his looks that he could easily appear on TV advertising Softbank or Georgia coffee (along with Bobby De Niro). He also happens to be an "English English" teacher who supports Ipswich (the team, not the town itself). Yesterday I taught 2 lessons with him, and today I was back to teaching with Sugihara sensei.

It was great to see my favourite students again, as well as the return of Michiye to school after having to drop out mid-way through last year (I asked her if she was still working at the same coffee shop, and she told me it had closed down because of her. Hmmm). Michiye, in case you don't remember, was the original founder of the Seishi Steve Fan Club, and was born on the exact same day as my sister. The student ranks have also been boosted by a motley crew of first years, complete with their "too cool for school" attitudes and scruffy clothes. It didn't take long for them to crack under the pressure of translating "I like udon, but I don't like cockroaches" though. Mwah ha ha.

Tomorrow lessons begin in ernest, and in every other sense, at Shonan. I have a class of 3 students, then a class of 5 students. Which should be a doddle compared to friday, when I have a class of 56 students, followed by one of 28.

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